About me

Hi! I’m Minje (최민제) (pronounced “Min-je” as in “jet” or “jelly”), currently an applied scientist at Amazon. I hold a Ph.D in Information from the University of Michigan where I was co-advised by professors David Jurgens and Daniel M. Romero. Prior to joining Amazon, I did a postdoc at Georgia Institute of Technology with professors Munmun De Choudhury and Srijan Kumar.

My research interests include (1) investigating the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on tasks requiring social knowledge [EMNLP’23][preprint][preprint], and (2) using NLP and causal inference methods to understand dynamics in large social networks based on social relationships or identities [ICWSM’23][ICWSM’21][WWW’20].

Before my Ph.D, I did my undergrad and masters in computer science at Korea University where I was advised by professor Jaegul Choo. I have done past internships with awesome people at Naver Clova AI, Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge, Visa Research Snap Research.

You can reach me at minjec_at_amazon.com